I was contracted to redesign the website for an ocean discovery center in Balboa Beach, California.

Here is the website prior to the redesign. This may be seen in more detail by visiting an earlier version of the site on archive.org: http://web.archive.org/web/20140113150317/http://explorocean.org:80/

The client stakeholders I interacted with directly were the the CEO and board of ExplorOcean. Their desire was for me to propose solutions for and implement:
○ Visual redesign
○ Bring it from static HTML to the WordPress platform so it could be easily updated by the Explorocean staff.
○ Upgrade and redesign the UX and UI to create a logical site navigation in order to make easy for the user to find what they were looking for. Priorities of the client were the event calendar, and lecture series. Focus was shifted to visitors as the end user.
○ Design the new website to be visually appealing and user friendly for both children and adults.
○ Make the hours, address, visiting information, donate call to action and newsletter subscription easy to find.
○ Implement a donation system both for single donations as well as subscription based.

I started the design process with client interviews to prioritize features, followed by a early phase design proposal with transparent elements to determine visual direction.

Early in the development phase I implemented an internal form submission and database for tracking bugs and change requests.
Design and interactive features were reviewed and approved with feedback by the Explorocean CEO and board.